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16 August 2014

Fefe Fab (S.C.G) x Chief Storm - HOUSE PARTY (Raw).

Fefe Fab (@FefeFab_SC) of S.C.G & Chief Storm (@ChiefStorm_) came together on this piece of creative music, although it is the raw version, and we were able to get you guys to check it out just before the original version is released. It has not been completed but is set to shake different clubs and parties as soon as it is originally out. The South city gang member, Fefe Fab should be up to something really massive if this raw piece sounds as good as this. Why dont you give it a try and listen to it. This is HOUSEPARTY by Fefe fab and Chief storm who also didnt fail to deliver on this track. Bless!

Fefe Fab (S.C.G) x Chief Storm - HOUSE PARTY (Raw). Reviewed by Unknown on Saturday, August 16, 2014 Rating: 5 Fefe Fab (@FefeFab_SC) of S.C.G & Chief Storm (@ChiefStorm_) came together on this piece of creative music, although it is the raw ve...

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