SpankzOnline met with the King himself "Nonso Amadi" (@Nonso_A) on a short time-out interview, and we got some pretty nice info we never knew about him and his music. Nonso Amadi is just one very talented person that i really feel can stand a chance with your favourite artiste, Make use our search engine and cop Nonso's previously released EP titled "Alone". It was a very splendid material, and you really should get familiar with his sound! However Let's not keep you here for too long. Read this and spread the chat. Enjoy!
1. Eyy Nonso, what's good brother?
I'm good thanks.
2. How's Life, The Music, Everything, and our wife too, How's Everything?
Everything has been great thank God. I'm not married yet, Soon lol.
3. Lool i see you mehn, I see you. Can you tell us a bit about yourself, Background and all?
Well. I'm 19, I come from a family of 7 kids and I'm 3rd child. I'm currently in my final year chemical engineering at Swansea university. I transferred from covenant university in 2014.
4. So, How long have you been into this music thing and how exactly did it start off for you?
Well it's hard to say when exactly I got into it but I started music in first year at Covenant university in 2011. I got deeply interested in it when I met Ibk (ibukun owolabi) then, cos he's been really good from the first time I met him till now. Every day we saw I always liked to have something to show. It was more like having someone that motivates you around. We kind of progressed musically together.
5. And what do you think about the journey so far?
It's been amazing, is had its ups and downs of course, but thank God. Looking forward to greater things ahead
6. Are there any Challenges you think are slowing down the pace of things for you or just not making things go as planned and sort of stressful?
Well not really. I produce and mix my stuff, as a young artiste I'm having it pretty easy. Although, when it comes to huge projects for example the "Alone EP" that I absolutely need outside intervention it becomes quite tasking.
7. So what exactly inspires you to keep moving on with this?
I'm stand inspired by the people who actually listen to my music and express their heart-felt appreciation. They keep me going and make me who I am.
8. If i may ask, what do you feel about the present state of the underground music scene, and
what do you think about the future of Nigerian music with regards to the kind of upcoming music
acts we have now?
I think music scene is becoming a bit more vast and diverse. Lots of genres are now being accepted. Upcoming artistes are doing a really great Job, they are more aware of the music quality based on mixing & mastering and the content/lyrics which is important.
9. Okay, hold on! If you were to start off your own record label today, with about 5 underground
artistes and 1 in-house producer, who would these guys be?
Lol. Really hard one. I'm guessing you mean Nigerians. if so Tay, Sute, Me, Drake and meek( in Vic o's voice lol)& Ibk(as theProducer)
10. Then erm... Who influences your sound in music, which of the famous musicians influence
the kind of music you do.
A lot of people influence my music. Drake, Bryson tiller, Tory Lanez, Shakka Phillips.
Drake & Bryson influence my singing a lot. I like to have the same sort of color to my voice in mixes. Shakka influences my production, I really haven't gotten to his stage yet.
11. Are there any artistes you look forward or wish to work with by God's grace or anytime soon.
Not a lot of artistes at home really. Asa, wizkid (cos he's really versatile), &
12. Wow, great names there. How about Timaya and the likes?
Not sure we do the same kind of music. But it's always a pleasure.
13. Loool. I'm just kidding mehn. So Nonso, Lets talk about your last tape. How long did you work it.
I mean that compilation is Classic! Tell us something we need to know about it please?
Uhm, well I started gele last year october maybe. Then it was just a one verse song recorded with my laptop mic I had put on my soundcloud that had received almost a thousand plays. It also induced a lot of requests from listeners for longer songs like it. So that was what first had me considering an EP. I had an experience involving a girl that caused me to record the first song on the EP titled alone. All songs on the EP were recorded based on experience, which makes this EP very personal.
14. So when next are we to expect a compilation from you again. Yunno we cant wait?
The response from this EP has been so good. I have actually had thoughts about doing a second one. But I'm trying not to push it lol. At least till I get a better sounding compilation.
15. Hmmn, Okay oo, alright tell me, So If not for music, what else do you think you would be into
right now, what path of life?
I will probably be convinced that I will be a working Chemical Engineer only. Which is my current course of study.
16. And how exactly have you been able to balance up school with your music so far. I mean, That
shit is challenging bruh.
Lol I really don't do music in school. I don't even try to balance it. When I'm school, it's school work mainly. When I have a holiday, it's music mainly.
17. So before we round up, we just started this thing called the "Shut-The Fuck-Up" Cocktail and its
something you throw at a fellow artiste, telling him/her to Quit Music! Lmao. Come on its just an
interview, its not a diss track. Throw it at someone. Throw it. Its nothing personal, shouldn't have to
be beef yunno? and if it is.... Loool. Izz allowed mehn.
Lol I'll like to tell my friend Eko to "Shut-the-fuck-up".Thank you.
18. Alright so any words of encouragement to the people chasing one dream or the other out there?
Yeah, music is really a lot work you know. No matter how much talent u have, it's still a whole lot of work. Lots of huge artistes stay up all night just working on songs. If ur not ready right now it's okay, maybe ur in school or something. But if your serious about it you have to put in work and stay humble.
19. And shout-outs to anyone? a friend, family, anyone?
Just my brothers Nkenna & Chizoba. As well as Eko, Tobibvck & and everyone supporting the me. God bless.
20. Alright then, so that wraps it all up for now. We thank you so much for taking your time to be with us.
SpankzOnline really appreciates you. God bless and we wish you the very best.
Thanks for having me!
Alright so thank you so much for taking your time to read through this. We really appreciate, and promise you more interviews with artistes you really wanna hear from. Don't forget to spread this post and get other people to read this too. God bless! Thanks once again and have great week.
SpankzOnline Media Service.
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